Optimizing healthcare for patients around the world
Optimizing healthcare for patients around the world

You are certainly not the first one to pose such questions, and most likely you will not be the last. We view integrated care as a quality improvement strategy in the provision of person-centred healthcare.

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Create the healthcare of our dreams

Our role is to bring parties together in the discussion on the evaluation of integrated care, and to facilitate them with our RMIC evaluation tool and our Evaluation Lab.

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Integrated Care Evaluation

Changing times call for unification. Imagine a healthcare system in which care providers – healthcare professionals and healthcare organizations – combine their expertise and services in order to provide high-level healthcare geared to the individual patient’s needs. Our guess is the prospect will either inspire you or daunt you. In any case, an integration of care will inevitably be met with questions, such as:

  • Why integrate healthcare in the first place?
  • What exactly is integrated care?
  • How does it work?
  • What is its added value and for whom?